Selects the drag and select cursor that is used on cropping.
.topic 1010
Selects the paint brush cursor that is used on painting and replacer operations.
.topic 1020
Selects the eraser cursor to be used When and painting.
.topic 1030
Sets all custom cursors back to their default settings when JewelPro was first run.
.topic 1040
Sets only the drag cursor that you selected.
.topic 1050
Sets only the paint brush cursor that use selected.
.topic 1060
Sets only the eraser cursor that use selected.
.topic 1070
Sets all of the custom cursors that you selected.
.topic 1080
Allows you to open a picture file that you may have on your hard drive so you can test your cursor over it.
.topic 1090
Allows you to choose from three preset pictures to test your cursor's over.
.topic 1100
Shows a preview of the drag cursor.
.topic 1110
Shows a preview of the paint brush cursor.
.topic 1120
Shows a preview of the eraser cursor.
.topic 1130
Select a cursor and move the mouse over this picture to test over different colors.
.topic 1140
Select one of the three options above then select a cursor from the list to preview it move over the picture above.
.topic 1150
Exit here when your done.
.topic 1160
Backs up your registry settings(checked by default).
.topic 1170
Backs up your fonts list that JewelPro uses for faster loading.
.topic 1180
Backs up your gradients list of all your favorite settings.
.topic 1190
Backs up for rings settings that you saved on the font viewer.
.topic 1200
Backs up your icons list folder(these are all icon searches that you have saved).
.topic 1210
Backs up all your icons that you have saved to your icon bar.
.topic 1220
Backs up all your project files that you have made.
.topic 1230
Backs up all your palettes that you have made on the color palette.
.topic 1240
Backs up all your animated icons and cursors that you have copied to the Anicon folder.
.topic 1250
Backs up any pictures that you have saved in your pictures folder.
.topic 1251
Backs up all of your template files that you have made and have saved in your templates folder.
.topic 1260
Choose this option to make a minimal backup of the Registry to a 3╜ Disk(1.2 MB)type.
.topic 1270
Choose this option to make a backup to a LS-120 disk(120 MB)type.
.topic 1280
Choose this option to make a backup to a zip disk drive.
.topic 1290
Choose this option to make a full backup to a local or remote drive.
.topic 1300
Click here to browse for a backup you made to restore its content.
.topic 1310
Click here to select the path to a folder or drive to start your backup.
.topic 1320
Exit here When done.
.topic 1330
Shows the progress of files being backed up or restored.
.topic 1340
Choose one of these 16 preset colors for the background color or textcolor.
.topic 1350
Calls the windows color picker for a more pre defined color.
.topic 1360
Shows the current forecolor(textcolor) of the font.
.topic 1370
Shows the current backcolor of the background behind the text. (Note: background color is for viewing only)
.topic 1380
Exit here when done.
.topic 1390
Allows for toggling when checked. (Clicking with the left mouse button on a color will set the forecolor and clicking with the right mouse button on a color will set the backcolor).
.topic 1400
Choose this option to set the forecolor(textcolor) of the font.
.topic 1410
Choose this option to set the backcolor of the background behind the text.
.topic 1420
Choose one of these eight options to be the default popup menu when you right click a picture.
.topic 1430
Check as many of these menus that you want to be able to switch back and forth between.
.topic 1440
Select this option to allow the menus below to be dragged.
.topic 1450
Select this option to be able to check the menus below you want in your popup menu.
.topic 1460
To form a single menu that pops up select this option.
.topic 1470
To form a split menu that pops up select this option.
.topic 1480
Refreshes the list of icons (use this after you've dropped some icons to make them show on the icon bar).
.topic 1490
Drag the icons from the main list here to copy them to your iconstamps folder.
.topic 1500
Shows the amount of icons in your iconstamps folder (there's a limit of 500 icons)
.topic 1510
When ever you've opened a project and have made changes and want to save them choose this option.
.topic 1520
If you've made a project and haven't saved it to a file choose this option.
.topic 1530
If you don't want to save any changes and exit the program choose this option.
.topic 1540
If you changed your mind or hit exit by mistake and want to go back to the program choose this option.
.topic 1550
Shows the current project opened (if no project is listed, the project hasn't been saved to file).
.topic 1560
Allows for viewing icons as they are found during the search.
.topic 1570
Shows the current search path of the search engine while icons are found.
.topic 1580
Displays just the progress bar during an icon search.
.topic 1590
Shows the time in milliseconds (the time it takes to go from one file to the next).
.topic 1600
When checked the icon search will start anytime you call the icon search from the menu.
.topic 1610
When checked the icon viewer will load every time after a search so you can view the icons found.
.topic 1620
Sets the limit on the number of icons to be found before taking action on them.
.topic 1630
Shows the limit of icons that can be found or saved.
.topic 1640
When checked icons are saved to a file and incremented.
.topic 1650
Allows you to choose a filename to save an incremental search to.
.topic 1660
Shows the start number that will be added to your filename on an incremental search.
.topic 1670
Sets the incremental start number.
.topic 1680
Starts an icon search.
.topic 1690
Stops and icon search (you can also stop an icon search that is in progress by hitting the Esc key).
.topic 1700
Allows you to select an individual drive or all drives to search.
.topic 1710
When drag is on you can drop a color block from here to another block or to the main form color blocks.
.topic 1720
Drop this color block on any of the blocks above to set this color.
.topic 1730
Allows the color blocks above to be drag.
.topic 1740
Puts a border around the color blocks for viewing purposes.
.topic 1750
Shows the amount of red value.
.topic 1760
Shows the amount of green value.
.topic 1770
Shows the amount of blue value.
.topic 1780
Use the sliders to adjust the amount of Red, green, and blue value of a color.
.topic 1790
You can type a name here to name the palette.
.topic 1800
Shows you're available palettes that you've made (click a file to open it).
.topic 1810
Sets a palette to be opened every time you call the palette form.
.topic 1820
Allows you to save a palette that you have made to Disk.
.topic 1830
Clears the palette form for a new palette to be made.
.topic 1840
Randomizes the color palette.
.topic 1850
Shows the progress of files being loaded from the list.
.topic 1860
Shows the files saved during an incremental search (click a filename to open the file).
.topic 1870
Shows the current icon number in the list.
.topic 1880
Indicates a corrupt icon if shown in the viewer.
.topic 1890
Allows you to scroll the pages of icons.
.topic 1900
The number of iconviewer pages.
.topic 1910
The icon page viewer.
.topic 1920
The list of available icons in the file.
.topic 1930
Shows the progress of *.bmp files.
.topic 1940
Shows the progress of *.jpg files.
.topic 1950
Shows the progress of *.rle files.
.topic 1960
Shows the progress of *.wmf files.
.topic 1970
Shows the progress of *.emf files.
.topic 1980
Shows the progress of *.gif files.
.topic 1990
Select to view only *.bmp files.
.topic 2000
Select to view only *.jpg files.
.topic 2010
Select to view only *.rle files.
.topic 2020
Select to view only *.wmf files.
.topic 2030
Select to view only *.emf files.
.topic 2040
Select to view only *.gif files.
.topic 2050
Shows an analysis of all the picture files found from a search.
.topic 2060
Progress of a picture file being loaded.
.topic 2070
Stops a picture search (you can also stop a search that is in progress by hitting the Esc key).
.topic 2080
Starts a picture search of the drive(s) that you selected.
.topic 2090
The available picture types to search for.
.topic 2100
The available drives you may search.
.topic 2110
Shows the bottom picture panel (you can switch between the bottom and top panels by left clicking the panel you want, you may also save a picture in a panel to your pictures folder by right clicking the panel you want to save).
.topic 2120
Shows the top picture panel (you can switch between the top and bottom panels by left clicking the panel you want, you may also save a picture in a panel to your pictures folder by right clicking the panel you want to save).
.topic 2130
Allows you to copy the picture in the bottom panel to the Clipboard for pasting.
.topic 2140
Allows you to copy the picture in the top panel to the Clipboard for pasting.
.topic 2150
Loads the picture viewed in the bottom panel to your project.
.topic 2160
Loads both the top and bottom pictures viewed in the panels to your project.
.topic 2170
Loads the picture viewed in the top panel to your project.
.topic 2180
Selects just the bottom panel to load pictures (this may also be done by left clicking the bottom panel).
.topic 2190
Selects just the top panel to load pictures (this may also be done by left clicking the right panel).
.topic 2200
Selects both panels to load pictures.
.topic 2210
Left, center or right aligns the text.
.topic 2220
Sets all of the gradient changes you made to the label.
.topic 2230
Restores the settings to when you first loaded the gradient form.
.topic 2240
Allows you to save favorite settings to a list so you can recall them later.
.topic 2250
Allows you to scroll your favorite settings in your list.
.topic 2260
Lists your favorite settings (to load a setting click the one you want in the list).
.topic 2270
Shows a preview of your settings before applying to your project.
.topic 2280
Sets the text to a bold state.
.topic 2290
Sets the text to an italic state.
.topic 2300
Sets the text to a transparent state (only the text is visible).
.topic 2310
Sets the background of the text to a white block state so the text is more visible.
.topic 2320
Sets the horizontal gradient from darkest from the left to lightest to the right (you may also click the picture to the right to select this option).
.topic 2330
Sets the horizontal gradient from lightest from the left to darkest to the right (you may also click the picture to the left to select this option).
.topic 2340
Sets the vertical gradient from darkest from the top to lightest on the bottom (you may also click the picture to the right to select this option).
.topic 2350
Sets the vertical gradient from lightest from the top to darkest on the bottom (you may also click the picture to the left to select this option).
.topic 2352
You can click this picture as a shortcut for the gradient type displayed in the picture.
.topic 2353
Selecting this option along with the (RGB - º-º-º) allows you to change the color of the text.
.topic 2354
Selecting this option along with a scale lesser than three solid colors allows for the label to be made a vertical gradient.
.topic 2355
Selecting this option along with a scale lesser than three solid colors allows for the label to be made a horizontal gradient.
.topic 2356
Shows the RGB scales (ñ indicates that the color bar does not apply and º indicates the color bar does apply) to color.
.topic 2357
Shows the given amount of red color.
.topic 2358
Shows the given amount of green color.
.topic 2359
Shows the given amount of blue color.
.topic 2360
Calculates how many pages it will take to print your printer fonts.
.topic 2370
Adds binder ring circles to your pages so you can put them in a book.
.topic 2380
Allows you to change the background color and font color (Note: the background color is for viewing only).
.topic 2390
Number of pages
.topic 2400
Preview of pages being calculated.
.topic 2410
The available printer fonts for the current printer.
.topic 2420
Allows for scrolling your fonts.
.topic 2430
Allows you to save your binder settings to a list so you can recall them later.
.topic 2440
List of your binder settings you've saved.
.topic 2450
Sets the amount of binder rings you want on a page.
.topic 2460
Sets the horizontal alignment of the rings.
.topic 2470
Sets the vertical alignment of the rings.
.topic 2480
Progress of pages being calculated.
.topic 2490
Left click to go back to the font viewer (right click to exit).
.topic 2500
Shows a preview of the binder rings.
.topic 2510
Allows you to preview the project or panel before its printed, JewelPro prints in Landscape and Portrait to save paper choose Landscape view this allows for both panels to fit on a regular 8╜ X 11 piece of paper (Recommended printing Horizontal). Print (Determined by the view checked)
.topic 2512
Sets the left margin of the bottom panel Tip: to quickly set the bottom panel margins hold down the shift key and left click the preview. Margins are set to the upper left corner.
.topic 2514
Sets the top margin of the bottom panel Tip: to quickly set the bottom panel margins hold down the shift key and left click the preview. Margins are set to the upper left corner.
.topic 2516
Sets the left margin of the top panel Tip: to quickly set the top panel margins hold down the shift key and right click the preview. Margins are set to the upper left corner.
.topic 2518
Sets the top margin of the top panel Tip: to quickly set the top panel margins hold down the shift key and right click the preview. Margins are set to the upper left corner.
.topic 2520
Changes the selected text font size To change the font size highlight the text then click the font size you want.
.topic 2530
Shows the available fonts on your system To change to a font highlight the text then click the font you want.
.topic 2540
Applies your text changes and exits back to JewelPro.
.topic 2550
Shows a sample of the selected font
.topic 2560
Displays the name of the file located in the file path shown.
.topic 2570
Shows the folder path that your PreRegister.jpdat file is located in on your system.
.topic 2580
The Email address to send your PreRegister file to:
.topic 2590
You should press F1 for more info on this item.
.topic 3000
There is no help topic for this item. To obtain more help for the form you are on press F1
.topic 3010
Check all that apply as to the reason for your purchase of this product.
.topic 3020
Displays your special registration number unique to your computer.
.topic 3030
Select this item if you want your registration code sent to you by regular mail(snail mail).
.topic 3040
Select this item if you want your registration code sent to your Email address.
.topic 3050
Type in your Email address here. If you are ordering without an Email address put four X's in the box.
.topic 3060
Type in your name or company name here. You may also display both like (Name; Company Name).
.topic 3070
Type in your street address here.
.topic 3080
Type in any other address information here.
.topic 3090
Type in your city here. If you are ordering from over seas press F1 to get more help on filling out an order form.
.topic 3094
Type in your state here. If you are ordering from over seas press F1 to get more help on filling out an order form.
.topic 3096
Type in your zip code here. If you are ordering from over seas press F1 to get more help on filling out an order form.
.topic 3098
Type in your area code here, to leave blank type three zeros 000. If you are ordering from over seas press F1 to get more help on filling out an order form.
.topic 3099
Type in your phone number here, to leave blank type 000-0000. If you are ordering from over seas press F1 to get more help on filling out an order form.
.topic 4000
After you have filled out all the required fields you can proceed to the program by selecting this button.
.topic 4060
The main projects list (shows the projects you have made)
.topic 4061
The main templates list (shows the Templates you have made)
.topic 4070
Preview (opens the dialog to a special preview dialog, If you click a project in the list it will be shown with out loading the project.)If you are not using Preview then when you click a project in the list the project will automatically be loaded. -NOTE-: That if you have a project already loaded and have made changes to that project you will be asked if you want to save your changes before a project from the list will load.
.topic 4071
Preview (opens the dialog to a special preview dialog, If you click a template in the list it will be shown with out loading the template.)If you are not using Preview then when you click a template in the list the template will automatically be loaded. -NOTE-: That if you have a project already loaded and have made changes to that project you will be asked if you want to save your changes before a template from the list will load.
.topic 4080
Verify Delete (when checked you will be ask to verify just in case you hit the delete project by mistake)
.topic 4081
Verify Delete (when checked you will be ask to verify just in case you hit the delete template by mistake)
.topic 4085
Delete Project (deletes the project from your hard drive)
.topic 4086
Delete Template (deletes the template from your hard drive)
.topic 4090
OK (unloads this dialog)
.topic 5000
Load (available only when Preview is checked) Loads the project into JewelPro. -NOTE-: That if you have a project already loaded and have made changes to that project you will be asked if you want to save your changes before a project from the list will load.
.topic 5001
Load (available only when Preview is checked) Loads the template into JewelPro. -NOTE-: That if you have a project already loaded and have made changes to that project you will be asked if you want to save your changes before a template from the list will load.
.topic 5010
Shows a representation of the bottom panel before loading.
.topic 5020
Shows a representation of the top panel before loading.
.topic 5030
Shows a representation of the end panels before loading(Note: that any end label text is shown in the title bar of this dialog)
.topic 5040
Displays the undo picture you want to return too, to be the current picture.
.topic 5050
Displays one of 48 undo pictures you can return too. To select a picture click it with the mouse.
.topic 5060
Exit here, To close this dialog with out making any changes.
.topic 5070
After choosing the picture you want to go back to, exit here.
.topic 5080
Displays the order of the last picture you worked on.
.topic 5090
Used to scroll the list of undo pictures.
.topic 6000
Turns the view progress bar on/off to allow for viewing speed
.topic 6010
Sets the progress bar drawcolor to 16 preset backcolors
.topic 6020
Sets the progress bar drawcolor to 16 preset forecolors
Displays a reference (B=BackColor, F=ForeColor, X=Xor of DrawMode)
.topic 6060
Display of the progress bar at the current settings
.topic 6070
Displays the progress bar at the settings you are trying new
.topic 6080
Will display the new settings you want to try, with progress bar animated
.topic 6090
Returns the progress bar settings to their default positions when the program first run
.topic 7000
Shows the name that will be displayed in the (Project SaveAs dialog) that comes up when you choose to save a project. Type a new name here that you would prefer to be the default saving name.
.topic 7010
Shows the name that will be displayed in the (gradient SaveAs dialog) that comes up when you choose to save a favorite gradient setting on the label paint gradient form. Type a new name here that you would prefer to be the default saving name.
.topic 7020
Shows the name that will be displayed in the (Rings SaveAs dialog) that comes up when you choose to save a ring setting on the Font viewer. Type a new name here that you would prefer to be the default saving name.
.topic 7030
Shows the name that will be displayed in the (Iconslst SaveAs dialog) that comes up when you choose to save a Icon list on the Icon viewer. Type a new name here that you would prefer to be the default saving name.
.topic 7040
Shows the name that will be displayed in the (Palette SaveAs dialog) that comes up when you choose to save a Palette setting on the Color Palette viewer. Type a new name here that you would prefer to be the default saving name.
.topic 7050
Shows the name that will be displayed in the (Export SaveAs dialog) that comes up when you choose to save a Project to Export. Type a new name here that you would prefer to be the default saving name.
.topic 7051
Shows the name that will be displayed in the ({Save As Template file} SaveAs dialog) that comes up when you choose to save a Template project. Type a new name here that you would prefer to be the default saving name.
.topic 7060
Displays the open dialog to choose a custom animated icon or cursor
.topic 7070
Check this box to have an animated icon or unchecked to have just a cursor
.topic 7080
Displays either animated-cursors or both in your Anicon folder, to preview click a file in the list and hold down the mouse.
.topic 7085
Displays either animated-cursors or both if the path you have selected has any in that folder.
.topic 7090
To preview click a file in the list and left or right click this button and drag away over the screen.
.topic 8000
Displays a screen shot of the cursor
.topic 8008
Select this option to show all cursors and animated icon cursors
.topic 8009
Select this option to show just animated icon cursors in the list
.topic 8010
Select this option to show just cursors in the list
.topic 8020
Allows for selecting the drive you want to search
.topic 8025
To search a folder or path double-click the folder
.topic 8030
To copy all the cursors in the list select this option, to start copying to your Anicon folder
.topic 8040
To select from certain files in the list choose this option to bring up the select dialog. To view the help file on how to select certain files from the dialog. (While holding down the Shift Key press and release the F1 Key)
.topic 8050
If you receive certain printer error code in a dialog that you are instructed to report to MoonDance Software, an access code will be given to you to turn the printer error code off.
.topic 8055
If you notice that JewelPro is not opening a file from explorer, another program might have over written one of the registry keys. You can restore JewelPros registry keys here.
.topic 8060
Displays the show tips, for viewing again.
.topic 8065
(DRMS)=Delete Reserved Menu Settings, If You See More Than One Item Twice in the Custom-made Menu . You can delete all the settings in the menu here.
.topic 8069
Prints the label text on opposing side 180░ and flips any graphic content in the end label.
.topic 8070
Displays the show tips when the program starts if checked.
.topic 8071
Adds an exit to the main menu bar if checked.
.topic 8072
Shows the clean file path time and ask for confirmation dialog if checked.
.topic 8073
Shows the clean non icon formats file path time and ask for confirmation dialog if checked.
.topic 8074
Maintain selections on the backup screen if checked. When checked the selection's you have chosen on the backup dialog will be there the next time you come back to it, exactly like you left it.
.topic 8075
Throughout the program there are event sounds if you would prefer to have no sound then uncheck this box.
.topic 8076
This option when checked will show the drawing buttons raised and flat when not checked. This will apply to the zoom form and main JewelPro form.
.topic 8077
Will show the export and import on the preps menu when checked.
.topic 8078
This function not implemented yet.
.topic 8079
This option when checked will show the Template section on the File menu. This allows you to Save and View Templates that you make.
.topic 8080
Maintain selections on the button dropper screen. When checked the selection's you have chosen on the button dropper will be there the next time you come back to it, exactly like you left it.
.topic 8081
To turn off the interactive fun wavs uncheck this box. This will only turn off the fun wavs. To turn off all sound events uncheck the sound events checkbox above.
.topic 8082
There are 33 fun wavs, select the option to determine the randomness' the fun wavs will play. Example 33/600 means that a wav is played every 33 in 600 out of 600 random times.
.topic 8086
Opens your Sound Properties dialog box, you can then set what sounds you want to use for your menu movements etc.
.topic 8090
Selecting OK will save all the options you have made changes to on the LUO
.topic 8091
Will unload this dialog with out making any changes only if you have not selected apply.
.topic 8092
Will save only the changes you have made on the current displayed screen.
.topic 8093
Will show the {Open & Save As Template} on the File menu when checked. PLEASE NOTE: that the template does not work with the normal (Save menu). If you have made changes to a template and want to save your work. Then you will have to select the {Save As Template file} and choose the same template to save to.
.topic 8094
Displays your current system colors that your computer is currently using. Select from one of these twenty five colors to set the size grip handles too.
.topic 8095
Sets the size grip handles size from 4 pixels to 10 pixels, Choose a size that better suites your needs for grabbing the handles.
.topic 8096
Applies the changes for the size and color for the handles. Note: That these setting do not take effect until the next time that you load the program.
.topic 9000
Displays the list of button category's
.topic 9001
Displays a list of the buttons available. Click an item in the list to open it.
.topic 9002
Copy's the button displayed to the clip board for pasting.
.topic 9003
Drop & Tile-When this option is selected you can drag the button and drop it on a label and it will automatically be tiled over the entire picture.
.topic 9004
Drop & place-When this option is selected dropping the image on a label will draw the image at location you dropped it at.
.topic 9005
Fixed Size-When this option is selected the image is displayed at normal size.
.topic 9006
Custom Size-When this option is selected you can size the image with the slider bars, or choose a predefined size from the selected list below.
.topic 9007
Predefined sizes let you choose a size that will tile accordingly to the label size.
.topic 9008
Displays the current button. Drag this image to one of the labels and drop it on it. You can also right click this image or the form outside the image for the context menu of options.
.topic 9009
Use this slider bar to change the width of the button to a custom size that you prefer.
.topic 9010
Use this slider bar to change the height of the button to a custom size that you prefer.
.topic 9061
Displays a preview of the selected font.
.topic 9100
Sets the font size from 6 points to 80 points
.topic 9101
Type the text you want to display in this text box.
.topic 9102
Click this buuton to display the text grid over a label.
.topic 9103
Sets the text to the label.
.topic 9104
The four control movement arrows are used for precision placement of the text before setting.
.topic 9105
Sets the amount of the movement the arrow keys will move the text grid.
.topic 9106
The color extracter can be used to get any color from a label to set the text color.
.topic 9107
Cancels the operation and moves the text grid out of the way.
.topic 9108
The switches are used to move from the bottom label to the top label. (NOTE: Moving with the switches will set any text that is displayed in the text grid that you have not set)
.topic 9120
No to All- will not show this dialog anymore and if any more files are found to be older than your current file they will not be restored. This is the default and prefered method.
.topic 9121
Cancel or closing this dialog will stop or abort the restore process.
.topic 9122
No- will not replace the file in question, but will continue to display this dialog if another file is found to be older than the current file you have.
.topic 9123
Yes to All- will not show this dialog any more and will replace all current files with an older file if found.
.topic 9124
Yes- will replace the file in question, and will continue to display this dialog if another file is found to be older than the current file you have.
.topic 9125
If you do not ever want to replace a newer file, you can check this optional check box and the dialog will not be display ever again.
.topic 9130
Applies the changes back to the main JewelPro form and becomes the main revert picture.
.topic 9140
Reloads the picture from the main JewelPro form.
.topic 9150
When this option is checked the picture is always loaded from JewelPro before any filter is applied.
.topic 9160
Starts the image processing effect.
.topic 9170
Displays the process as the filter effect is being applied.